Welcome to Grade XII - Arts Stream at DLI - Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Program!


In Grade XII - Arts, you have the opportunity to further explore your academic interests and prepare for your future endeavors. Let's discover the diverse array of subjects offered in this program, each designed to broaden your knowledge and skills in the humanities and social sciences:
English (EN1201) - Strengthen your language skills and delve deeper into English literature, honing your communication abilities, critical analysis, and literary appreciation to excel in academic and professional settings. (Compulsory)
Environmental Studies (ES1202) - Gain insights into environmental issues and sustainability practices, examining the impact of human activities on the natural world and exploring strategies for environmental conservation. (Optional)
Physical Education (PE1203) - Stay active and healthy as you engage in physical fitness activities, sports, and recreational pursuits, fostering teamwork, leadership skills, and a commitment to lifelong health and well-being. (Optional, Practical Code: PPE1203)
Political Science (PS1216) - Explore the dynamics of political systems, institutions, and ideologies, analyzing contemporary issues and global trends to develop a deeper understanding of governance, citizenship, and political participation.
Economics (EC1208) - Delve into the principles of economics, studying topics such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, and economic policy to understand the complexities of global economies and decision-making processes.
History (HS1211) - Journey through the annals of human history, exploring key events, movements, and civilizations to gain insights into the forces that have shaped the world we live in today.
Home Science (HS1215) - Explore practical aspects of home management, nutrition, and family dynamics, gaining valuable life skills and insights into maintaining a healthy and harmonious household. (Optional, Practical Code: PHS1215)
Geography (GE1212) - Investigate the physical and cultural landscapes of the world, studying topics such as landforms, climate, and human geography to understand the complexities of global environments and human interactions.
Hindi (HIN417) - Immerse yourself in the richness of Hindi language and culture, exploring literary works, linguistic nuances, and cultural traditions to deepen your connection to Indian heritage and identity.
Sociology (SO1213) - Examine the structure and dynamics of human societies, studying topics such as social institutions, inequality, and social change to gain insights into the complexities of human behavior and social interaction.
Psychology (PSY1221) - Delve into the workings of the human mind and behavior, studying topics such as cognition, emotion, and personality to gain insights into individual behavior, motivation, and mental health.
With a range of subjects to choose from, Grade XII - Arts Stream offers you the flexibility to tailor your academic experience to suit your interests, passions, and future aspirations. Whether you're drawn to politics, economics, history, or psychology, there's something for everyone in the OSSD Program at DLI.
Get ready to embark on an educational journey filled with exploration, growth, and intellectual curiosity. Welcome to Grade XII - Arts at DLI - where every day brings new opportunities to learn, discover, and excel on your path towards the OSSD!